I titled this Blog "All Grown Up" for a specific reason even though those who know my current life status would get a good chuckle out of that. Why give your Blog the title of "All Grown Up" when you are a 22 year old (23 in two days) male living at home, still riding with mommy everyday. Yea, that's right, I'm a senior in college and my mom drops me off and picks me up from school everyday.
The term "all grown up" became my mantra at the beginning of 2008. I had just finished my third semester in college pulling off a solid 0.25 GPA (no that is not a typo). A couple days later I did a couple thousand dollars worth of damage to my mom's brand new $38,000 truck by spinning the tires, losing control, and crashing into two parked cars. Some people may think this is funny. Some may actually be laughing because this is mild mannered behavior, and they have "real" stories of what a young'n does while getting into trouble. Well this was not the actions of Johnny Nugent, the honors graduate with a 3.7 GPA and 27 ACT score that got a full paid ride through college (which was obviously pissed away by a 0.25 GPA).
So needless to say, I found out what "rock bottom" was, and I had just hit it. Beginning in 2008, it wasn't just a new year's resolution for me, it was a new life. It was time to leave behind Little Johnny, and start acting like I was all grown up.
Since my turning point, I have completed five semesters with a GPA of 3.87. I stopped viewing my job as simply a paycheck, and started using it as yet another avenue for learning and growing. My mom and dad were no longer "parents, ugh." Instead they were friends that have valuable life experience and knowledge that they truly wish to share so they can ensure a better future for me. My girlfriend, Cortney, no longer was just another girl that I was dating. She was a woman that had her s#!t together long before I did, and I suddenly realized if I was going to make it in this world, I needed that model of discipline by my side at all times. She knew what she wanted before I even considered thinking about what I wanted. She had her self-realization before I did, and she's two years younger than me. I stopped viewing the definition of "family" as required gatherings on Sundays and holidays. My family is my heart, and my best friends; they are the only ones that will truly be there for you no matter what (because you share the same last name, which will harm their reputation, of course).
All kidding aside, "all grown up" means realizing what you are doing in life, and having a reason for it. Yes, I am almost 23 years old, still living at home and still riding with mom to school, but it is all done for a reason. I am working for a better future, because I have a desire to be successful. And as far as I'm concerned, if you have the will and discipline to turn that desire into action, you may not be financially independent, but you are "all grown up."